Do you suffer from vacation guilt? Not the "I-ate-too-much" type of guilt, but rather the guilt that comes from relaxing, sleeping in and remaining unscheduled instead of sightseeing?
I used to spend so much of my time traveling busy exploring everything I could in a city. I'd wake up early, wait in lines, avoid eating long meals, and end up exhausted at the end of my trip. It was so tiring. By the end of it, I don't think I was even enjoying some of my travels. I knew that at some point this would have to stop because it was getting out of hand. I was addicted to exploring and I didn't know how to fix it.
Acceptance is the first step...right?
In many ways, I'm so thankful for my boyfriend, Brad. He's similar to me in many ways, but also very different. We've done a lot of traveling together, and we have shared some of our best memories while on the road. He's the one who taught me that vacations are meant to be enjoyed, relaxed, and savoured. He taught me that slowing down isn't the end of the world - it's needed to soak in and enjoy the experience.
But too much enjoyment still sometimes leaves me wondering, "am I missing out?" I don't typically suffer from what the kids these days call "FOMO" (fear of missing out), but maybe in travel I do. I hate feeling like I'm being lazy - if I sleep in, will I miss the morning hours at the local market? Or if I stay out too late during happy hour will I miss the sunset? What am I giving up if I'm stopping instead of going?
Thinking about it fully, I've learned that you've got to weigh your options and make sure you know what your non-negotiable travel sights are. Weighing your options makes you aware of what you could be doing instead of that extra long meal or additional hour of sleep. Knowing your non-negotiables means you list out your "must-sees" (and must-do's), and you plan appropriately for them. Leaving extra time in your day is also key for those moments you can't plan. This is when the beauty of travel happens. When you meet a local who walks you around the city, or you come across a local concert in the park, or join in a beach volleyball game. Those are the moments that you'll truly remember from your travels.
I'm still searching for that perfect mix of busy, engaged, and relaxed on my vacations. I know I'll always lean more towards keeping a full schedule, but I'all also be counting on Brad to keep me in check and to remind me to live a little by embracing the moment (and the so-called vacation guilt that may or may not come with it).
Type - A to a tee, I'm very well aware...
Do you suffer from vacation guilt or do you live free as a bird? For all of those dedicated planners, check out my itinerary page. For those fly by the seat of their pants readers, I wish I could be more like you!