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Amanda Dunning

2017: New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

I'm not a big resolutions person, but I'd be lying if the New Year doesn't make you think about starting fresh and improving things in your life. I can't complain right now. Although the tail end of 2016 was a struggle due to my knee injury, it also marked a fresh start in a new role, in the first company I've truly felt a part of since Disney. I'm a firm believer in always improving and always trying to grow and challenge oneself, so my resolutions are all focused on how I can continue to grow, develop, and change into a more well-rounded, happy, and free person.

Here are my resolutions and I'm excited to hear more about yours!

  1. Read more. I'm aiming for 52 books a year this year. I'm on my third book already so I'm doing well so far! I want to read fiction of course (mysteries and thrillers are my recent addiction) but I also want to take a stab at some classics and business books that I've been eyeing for awhile. I'm on my 4th book this year, so I'm doing pretty well on this one!

  2. Listen to podcasts. Let's be real, I barely listen to new music. All of the music on my Spotify are albums for 2000-2008 that I love and play on repeat. Since I'm walking to work, I'm trying to find some interesting podcasts. I enjoy marketing podcasts in addition to Ted Talks so if you know of any that are great, I'm all ears!

  3. Seeking ways to be more creative. It feels like a million years ago that I spent my formative years in an arts school where I was challenged daily to be creative and artistic. Lately I've been feeling a creative drain. I need to be an out the box thinker for work so whatever I can do to get those wheels turning again, I'll be doing. This is probably the hardest to quantify and to move forward with, but I felt it was worth noting and focusing on nonetheless.

  4. Not forgetting about me. Life is always a balance. Relationships, travel, work, self-care, pets, and so much more. I did a pretty good job last year of taking care of myself, but this year I need to step up my game. This includes fitness, food, and recently skincare. I've been so lax because I've been blessed with good skin. But let's be real, I ain't getting any younger. I need to make investments now before it's too late. Sounds a bit ominous, but oh well...Ways I want to do this is: go to fitness classes I enjoy, continue weightlifting and get better at planning workouts, eating 80% of my meals at home and incorporating more fruits and vegetables back into my diet.

  5. Getting better with money. I need to finally get my life in order and start planning for the future. Don't get me wrong. I'm well ahead of many people in the smart finances department but I want to budget better, know where things are at and plan my retirement a bit better. There's been a lot of missed opportunities and I know I can do better. The good thing is I already have a meeting set up to do this! Woo!

I think that's enough for now. Funny enough, I didn't even think to include "travel more" on my list. Maybe I think it will happen, or maybe it won't, but I'm always open to it! This is the first time in many years that I haven't had a trip booked. Oh what to do about that!

What are your resolutions? Do you make them? I'd love to hear all about them!

If travel is one of them, head on over to the Top Destinations for 2017 blog.

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