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Amanda Dunning

Injury Update: Week 9

Hi all, I've had a few questions about how my kneecap is healing, so I wanted to take a moment to share some of the improvements and struggles I've had over the past 2 months.

I'm finally starting to walk in a somewhat normal way again. I'm more upright and less "hobbly". I was still using one crutch (my knee got very tired at the end of the day if I didn't use it), which helped a ton with the recent snowy and icy streets. Now, I'm hobbling sans crutch, but it's still pretty painful. Stairs are especially awkward.

Physio has been helping. It's been a struggle to get my quad to activate, which is putting more stress on my knee. Apparently because I had both a dislocation AND a fracture, it's kind of a double whammy.

It's been a strange and humbling experience. It's weird to not be able to be mobile and able to pick up and get on a plane or explore somewhere as easily as I could before.

I went to see the surgeon a couple days ago and he requested I go for an MRI because where I am feeling pain might be because I may have scraped off some cartilage or the ligaments might not be healing properly. If this is the case, although unlikely, I might have to go for surgery. If its not the case, I might just need more time to heal. In the meantime though, I have lots of "light squatting" in my future.

Although not the best news in the world to hear, I am confident that I can continue to get through this. I can't wait to be able to get back to where I was physically before this injury.

It'll get better, I'm sure. Every day is a little bit of an improvement, which definitely helps. I'll keep you posted. xoxo.

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