Facebook has this incredible feature - the opportunity to remember and relive a particular date and all the exciting (or very boring) things you posted over the years. A digital public journal of sorts. Since I've been a Facebook member for 10 years now, I usually have some good nuggets to look back on. I was clicking through it the other day and found one of my blog posts from my short lived Disney Cruise Line blog, and thought it only appropriate to share this with you for a laugh, exactly 6 years later.
December 15, 2010
Okay, so my blog is a tad less interesting than I would like. But, this seriously was an hour of my day... If you know me well, you know I hate doing laundry. And asking for help. I did both today in my journey to the launderette. I reluctantly decided it was about time to do laundry (one more pair of clean underwear actually forced me to, unfortunately) and I headed down a couple decks to do laundry. Note to all of you: there are 25-30 washers for 1500 people. And no space to hang dry clothes, so you must use the dryer. An extra 40 minutes? Brutal. Luckily, I went down during when most people were having lunch (I had left the 45 minute line...per side...at the Enchanted Garden before heading down), so no one was in the room. I wandered around, confused by these high-tech machines. If you could see the washer I used in France, you would understand how this would make me so confused. I put all the clothes in the one free washer and then stood there stumped. Um...I know soap needs to go in there...But where? I looked all around (at this point, trying to avoid attention as others had entered the room) but, alas, none of my questions were answered. It was now or never. I walked over to a nice gentleman (no, actually a gentleman, he was grey-haired) and asked him to assist me, trying not to look like a naive kid who didn't know how to do laundry. He helped me out, and off I went for 30 minutes while it washed. The fun didn't stop there. When I came back I tried to open to washer door (it's a front opening one) and I was tugging for 5 minutes, trying to find some sort of latch to get it to open. Does it open on another side? No...not that side...I planted my feet firmly on the ground and got a good stance. I am strong enough to open a damn door. It was NOT going to open. Great, I already broke Disney property. How do I always manage to do stuff like this? I wouldn't be surprised if they just tossed me overboard somewhere in the Atlantic. Now at this point, there were probably six people in the room. Damn it. I either had to tell them I broke it, or there had to be a simple way to open the gosh darn it door...I strolled over to a deck worker, hoping he wouldn't judge me too much, and asked him to help me with the door (Yes, my tail was in between my legs). He pressed the "key" button to unlock it, and it popped open. He was very nice, but the look on his face told me "Yes, little girl, I am judging you". I am completely paranoid about laundry. I am always worried that I will throw in the red sock with my whites and my entire wardrobe will be pink. I am also terrified of the dryer...I don't want baby-size clothes, I already have a hard enough time doing up the top button on my jeans...Since the clothes were soaking wet, I couldn't actually bring them to my room...as the clothes line in my room is as long as my arm. I kid you not. Luckily the dryer was much easier to work, and I managed to get that done without any more embarrassing moments. But, since I am so paranoid about them getting too shrunk (I never put any of my clothes in the dryer, it's more environmentally friendly to air dry them...that's my story and I'm sticking to it), I only left them in for a few minutes before I ran back and got them. My room is now nicely decorated with socks and underwear. I hope my roommate likes my decorations. She brings Christmas lights, a mini-Christmas tree, and even Christmas tree air freshener...and I bring socks. But...in the end, I survived my first laundry experience on the ship. Note to self: buy 10 more pairs of underwear.
Present-day Amanda: I have successfully mastered laundry, however getting myself into awkward situations is something I just can't quit!