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Amanda Dunning

Why You Should Refuse to Settle

Refuse to Settle

I refuse to settle. Do you? Perhaps it’s because I am a millennial, perhaps it’s because I was taught that I deserve to keep working to be happy, and that happy exists. Whatever the reason, I refuse to settle, and you should too. This blog entry is in the same vein as one of my recent posts about breaking free of comfort zones and taking a leap of faith. All of these ideas are interconnected, and they come down to one thing. Never settle. Settling breeds mediocrity and although I have often succumbed it, I always try to bring myself out and work harder.

Life is too short not to be happy. I am not advocating for leaving when things get difficult or challenging, I am advocating for you to recognize your passions and what does and does NOT make you happy. I am a believer in that you have to put your time in and do the grunt work before seeing payoffs. Only a couple weeks ago did I hit the big time with my career, after 6+ years of full time work of making my way up. It took a lot of determination and check-ins with myself to understand my path and how I needed to navigate it.

We’re pretty self-aware (whether we admit it or not), and we deep down do know what we like and don’t like. Even if we aren’t there quite yet, we can start small. What food do you like or don’t like? Why? Is it the flavor, texture or taste? What kind of music? Movies? Once you can articulate these things, it becomes easier to apply it to the rest of your life. What gets you excited to wake up in the morning? What do you need in a partner to make you happy? What kind of work will make you happy?

Not settling is about knowing your worth. It’s about knowing your likes and dislikes first, but also knowing that you are worthy. You are worthy of a job that challenges you to become better, faster, and stronger. You are worthy of a partner who loves and respects you. You are worthy of the opportunities that life is handing you, and you are worthy of happiness. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different. They aren’t on your path, they don’t know your motivations, and they don’t have to live your life – only you do.

I could have had the easiest, cushiest job of my life, but staying there was settling. Staying there meant day in and day out of not improving myself, and not moving forward. Do you ever feel unsatisfied in your work? Do you feel like you have more to give and more to say? How can you do that? How can you work towards pursuing your passions? Whenever I feel unsatisfied, I try and take a deep look at what is going on around me. I try to figure out how I can make things better, and so can you. Can you focus on other areas of your life? Fitness, food, reading or even relationships with your partners, friends and family? Can you take courses or try and better yourself through personal development? What can you do to supplement the feeling of mediocrity? If all of those options don’t work, what can you do next?

Recently, for me, it was starting this blog. By no means do I consider myself the foremost expert on blogging, photography, website design or even travel. But I do know I have a voice and it wasn’t being heard for a long time. So rather than quit a job too early, I attempted to grow and develop myself my own way. That’s why these words are on these pages, and you’re (hopefully) reading them. Pet projects are a great way to let out your creative energy, while still being fiscally responsible.

Moving forward is tough, and scary. Money is typically a motivating factor, and I get that. But things work when you’re working towards your passion and advocating for yourself. It’s never easy, but man is it so worthwhile. When you are doing things you love, the world gets a little bit brighter. Things get a little bit easier, and smiles come a bit quicker. Refusing to settle will take you further than you ever thought possible. Always know your worth, go far with your dreams and roam + explore them. Never give up.

Love, Amanda xoxo

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